CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Santini Brothers Iron Works

CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Santini Brothers Iron Works

CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Santini Brothers Iron Works

John Evans, Atlantic Machinery, with John Santini, of Santini Brothers Iron Works and their new Avenger PLUS
John Evans, Atlantic Machinery, with John Santini of Santini Brothers Iron Works and their new Avenger PLUS

Santini Brothers Iron Works of Boston, MA produces profiles for bridges and many other DOT projects. They knew to stay competitive in today’s market they needed to automate, and with help from their new Avenger PLUS that’s just what they are doing.

Santini Brothers new Avenger PLUS
Santini Brothers new Avenger PLUS

John Santini  proclaims “It’s like going from the Flintstones to the Jetsons”, referring to the productivity they have attained from their recent Avenger PLUS acquisition.  He is amazed that they have done “30-days worth of work in just 2-days” by automating the drilling, milling, slotting, layout and part marking of the variety of profiles they produce.

“It’s like going from the Flintstones to the Jetsons” – John Santini

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