Making it work when you absolutely have to have it!

Making it work when you absolutely have to have it!

Making it work when you absolutely have to have it!

UPDATED 8/31/2018 (addition at end of article)

As machinery suppliers we travel the world, selling machines to a wide range of fabricators, many of whom do not have a lot of space to allocate to the machine they absolutely have to have!

What we enjoy is seeing the creative approaches that many of our customers have employed, installing their Ocean CNC machines outdoors, and then their creative approaches to keeping the machines protected from inclement weather. We thought you might enjoy some of our customer photos:

  • Georges Welding in Miami has his Avenger outside, with a cover where it parks, but he runs it in the rain, covered with a large beach umbrella!

Getting some shade from the Miami sun.
Getting some shade from the Miami sun.


  • Waikato Steel in New Zealand, has their Avenger outdoors, and has two sheds on either side of the table where it can be parked, but they have also totally encased the traveling head in a sheet metal box allowing them to drill holes while it is running! Very Ned Kelly-ish!
The metal housing protects the Avenger from the elements while still allowing it to drill

The metal housing protects the Avenger from the elements while still allowing it to drill.


  • A&A Ironworks in their early days with the Avenger outside, a wooden shed to park it, and a simple canopy that protected the machine from the rain.
Not only did they join the Ocean Avenger Club, they built their Avenger a Clubhouse

You don’t want to leave your new Avenger outside over night… What do you do? You build it a garage!


  • Contrast Metal with their Avenger on a lovely concrete slab outdoors and a wooden cabin to park it when it is raining.
A nicely constructed cabin for the Ocean Avenger to spend the night in.

A nicely constructed cabin for the Ocean Avenger to spend the night in

Beautiful concrete driveway leading up to this Ocean Avenger's mansion

Beautiful concrete driveway leading up to this Ocean Avenger’s residence


  • Valley Iron Works with their Avenger outdoors.
Nothing like being outside on a beautiful day!

Nothing like being outside on a beautiful day!


  • Plastal Avenger / Terminator installation outdoors with small shed for weather protection.

Starting to see a trend yet? It doesn't matter if you have the space inside!
Starting to see a trend yet? It doesn’t matter if you have the space inside!


  • Atlas Welding with a tiny wooden shed where they house their Clipper and pass through conveyors and simple loading table with hoist for lifting bundles of angle.

Our customers aren't just installing Avengers outside... Ocean Clippers too!
Our customers aren’t just installing Avengers outside… Ocean Clippers too!

Angle sections feed through the wall to the Ocean Clipper protected from the elements!

Angle sections feed through the wall to the Ocean Clipper protected from the elements!


  • Atlantic Central with their Avenger extending into the loading bay


UPDATE 8/31/2018

This story reached a lot of people and received such a positive response, we felt it deserved updating. After posting the article on Facebook, one of our customers from down under – Chris Barry at On the Spot Welding & Steel in Brisbane Australia, responded to the post with this comment and photos of their machine:

8 years and over half a million holes, in all different types of material and still going as good as the day we got it. – Chris Barry

It is worth noting that On the Spot Welding & Steel is right on the Australian coastline, which means their Avenger runs like a champ outside in the salty ocean air!

We love hearing customers stories, and we know you do too… If you would like your story featured on our blog, email us and let us know

Ocean Avenger at On the Spot Welding & Steel, Brisbane Australia
Ocean Avenger at On the Spot Welding & Steel, Brisbane Australia

Ocean Avenger at On the Spot Welding & Steel, Brisbane Australia

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