Can your Single Spindle Drill Line Mill This?

Can your Single Spindle Drill Line Mill This?

Can your Single Spindle Drill Line Mill This?

At Ocean Machinery, when we say our Ocean Avenger PLUS can mill steel, we TRULY MEAN it. Our competitors say their machines can mill, but in reality they cannot, and most customers just give up on milling function. And to prove our point, just look at this fabulous conference table that one of our New Zealand customers has made with his Ocean Avenger PLUS.

Avenger Plus milling 10 foot steel plate

One of our more creative customers, Gary Hobbs of GH Engineering, based in Palmerston North, New Zealand wanted to have a focal center-piece in his conference room that showed his company’s engineering capabilities. He wanted a steel table, but New Zealand gets really cold so he wanted to heat the table. Gary came up with an idea of a solid 2” (50mm) thick steel plate, that he milled I” (25mm) out to receive the heating elements.

Avenger Plus milling conference table

He programmed the cutting path in Peddimat, placed the large steel plate on his Avenger PLUS and proceeded to mill. He did the entire table over two days in only 2-passes, each pass taking out ½” (12.5mm) of metal.

Finished steel plate conference table

And to give our Avenger PLUS’s milling capability  even more credibility, Gary started with a worn end-mill cutter, and mid-way through the process, replaced it with another, and that mill still has plenty of life left in it. And as we all know, rigidity is key to milling tool life, so this speaks volumes of the build quality of this machine. Just take a look at those chips! That is one massive milling job!

Gary, as always, you raise the bar on what is possible and we are in awe of what you have done with our equipment over the years. You are an inspiration to us all! Special thanks as always to Impact Machinery for the excellent representation in Australia/New Zealand.

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