Making Room for Unique Projects at Anvil Craft in Easton, PA

Making Room for Unique Projects at Anvil Craft in Easton, PA

Making Room for Unique Projects at Anvil Craft in Easton, PA

Anvil Craft in Easton PA, understands that fabricating requires attention to detail and skillful execution to produce the finished piece. Like any fabricator looking to expand their business, Anvil Craft contacted Ocean to discuss automation that would assist them in tackling complex projects – or those that require custom fabrication! After learning more about their upcoming projects it was obvious that the Ocean Avenger PLUS multi-function beam line was the best machine to accomplish their complex projects now and in the future.

Some of their upcoming projects for the Avenger PLUS

Drilling ¼” holes in stainless steel tubing

Milling a 30 deg. Bevel for expansion joints for a warehouse

One problem – no floorspace.

With eyes to the future, Anvil Craft accepted the task of upgrading their facility. To fit the Avenger PLUS drill line, they opened up a wall in the rear of the shop and dug out at least 10” of concrete. They also moved their shop office (the red container), which was along the right wall, to a location outside of the building.

Paul, Bob, Joe and their team put a lot of work in to prepping the shop for their new machine, they are extremely proud of their results… and here at Ocean, we are excited for their future!

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