The World’s Fastest Selling Beam Drill Line

The Ocean Avenger has been an immediate hit with the small to medium fabricator fabricating both structural steel and miscellaneous metals. Since it was introduced in 2003 more than 600 Ocean Avengers have been installed around the world, and this amazing machine has changed the lives of many a steel fabricator.

The Ocean Avenger Beam Drill Line is an extremely space efficient beam processing solution as it only requires a floor space of 70ft x 9ft, making it ideal for even the smallest fabricator or fabricators with space limitations. We also have many Avenger installations that are outside, freeing up even more space for the fabricator.

The Ocean Avenger not only lays out and drills all your holes in any steel profile in a fraction of the time it takes you to do it manually with a mag drill, but it also lays out the marks for all your welded attachments, virtually eliminating the need for a tape measure.

The Avenger is the most affordable CNC drill line on the market today and ensures that the fabricators is the low cost producer, allowing him to win more work and to make more margin.

Not only will the Avenger process beams and columns, but it also easily process all steel profiles including channel, angle, flat bar, base plates, RHS, square and round profiles.

>> You might want to also consider the Avenger PLUS, Ocean Machinery’s beast of a Multifunction CNC Drill Line.

>> Click here to read about the Differences between the Avenger CNC Beam Drill Line and Avenger PLUS CNC Drill Line.

Request Information


Capability & Design

  • The Ocean Avenger FORTY is the 3rd iteration of this popular machine and it is now even faster and simpler to use.
  • The Avenger FORTY will handle profiles up to 40″ tall (1m), while the Avenger THIRTY will handle profiles up to 30″ tall (760mm). The Avenger THIRTY is normally sold in countries where the maximum profiles size is under 760mm, and this machine packs into a standard shipping container. The Avenger FORTY needs a special Multi-Talent shipping container.
  • Both the Avenger FORTY and the Avenger THIRTY will handle the heaviest jumbo columns up to 730 lbs/ft, essentially the entire catalog of steel profiles found anywhere in the world.
  • Through the tool coolant system keeps drill bits sharper longer. Standard twist drills are capable of providing well in excess of 30,000 holes per drill with resharpening, and this significantly reduces consumable costs.
  • The Drill spindle has capable of drilling holes up to 1-9/16” diameter and through any thickness up to 10″.
  • The Ocean Avenger CNC drill line is capable of handling pre-coped parts allowing the machine to be placed anywhere in the production process.
  • The Ocean Avenger utilizes an exceptionally accurate and durable laser system to determine the Zero X-reference.
  • The Y direction is measured by a CNC encoder and the Avenger includes web sensor allowing the machine to detect the REAL web center line, allowing for beams that are hot rolled out of spec.
  • The Avenger completely eliminates manual layout, and manual drilling / punching.
  • It also lays out all the marks for your welded attachments, completely eliminating the tape measure and its associated errors.
  • Provides exceptional accuracy of hole placement, eliminating costly field modifications.
  • Very space efficient – uses no more space than your current trestles.
  • Simple and easy to operate.
  • No computer experience required.
  • Fully automatic measuring, layout and drilling cycle.
  • Fastest return on investment of all Ocean products.
  • Immediate payback on a low investment through attractive financing options.


  • The Ocean Avenger is the fastest selling CNC Beam Drill Line in the world and has been installed in more than 70 countries around the world.
  • These installations range from some of the coldest climates so some of the hottest and humid environments in the world.
  • The Ocean Avenger Beam Line is made in South Carolina, USA by Peddinghaus, the world’s leading builder of CNC Steel fabricating machinery.
  • Peddinghaus is the most well-known and respected brand in structural steel machinery, over 100 years old.

Integration with Detailing Software

  • The Ocean Avenger Beam Line seamlessly integrates with all major steel detailing programs.
  • For fabricators using any of the 3-D model detailing programs such as Tekla Structures, SDS/2, StruMis, ProSteel 3-d etc, the operator merely imports the part directly from the model.
  • For fabricators doing more component type work where parts might have been detailed in Inventor or Solid Works, we offer post processors that allow easy importing of the part programs.
  • For fabricators and miscellaneous metal shops still using AutoCAD, we offer a post processor that allows easy importing of drawings detailed in AutoCAD. However very specific drawing procedures must be adhered to for this to work satisfactorily.
Ideal User+

The Ocean Avenger is designed specifically for fabricators and general job shops that need to put holes in steel profiles of all types. Consider the following questions and determine if this machine fits your needs.

  • Do you drill holes in a variety of steel profiles including beams, channel, angle, plate, square and round profiles, etc?
  • Do you regularly use a tape measure, framing square, chalk and a center punch to layout the hole positions and then either drill the steel with a mag drill or use a punch to produce the holes?
  • Are you looking for a faster, cheaper way to do it ?
  • Are you limited by the amount of space you can dedicate to beam fabrication?
  • Are you limited by the amount of capital that you can invest in a beam line or beam fabricating machinery?
  • Is your current method of beam drilling and beam fabricating too costly to compete with the bigger fabricating shops and do you lose out on those profitable big jobs?
  • Do you have to turn away big jobs because you cannot physically process the larger and heavier profiles?
  • Do the larger General Contractors skip your company when sending out the bids because you cannot process a large structural job or beam job fast enough?
  • Do you struggle to find good quality fabricating labor when you land a large job, and do you have use valuable skilled labor to train your new recruits?
  • If your layout man skips work for a day or two, does that affect your ability to process and fabricate beams?
  • Are you struggling to land steel fabricating jobs in your market?
  • Do you feel your competitors are throwing out insanely low numbers to land the work?
  • Are you finding that you are struggling to make any money on the jobs you land – those jobs that you bid low enough to get leave, no you profit at all?
  • Do you want to make more PROFIT?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above you are a prime candidate for the outstanding Ocean Avenger Beam Line, built by Peddinghaus USA.

Now lets take a close look at the picture of the Beam Fabricating Industry below and see where you fit in.

  • If you are not sure of your monthly tonnage, a good rule of thumb is that each man on the floor involved in beam fabrication can contribute a maximum of 15T per month of drilled beams.

  • If you are doing more than 400 Tons of beam drilling per month (total fabrication tonnage around 600T or more), then a multispindle beam line is the beam drilling line for you. However you might already have a multispindle beam line and still be looking for additional beam fabricating capacity, and either have limited space to put it, or might not want to lay out significant capital. Then the Ocean Avenger Beam Drill Line would be a perfect supplemental Beam Line for you.
  • If you are doing between 20T per month and 400T per month of fabrication output, then the Ocean Avenger is the perfect beam line for you! It will process beams at the LOWEST COST PER HOLE DRILLED, and this is what every fabricator wants to achieve! Being the low cost producer is what creates margin and margin in turn yields profits.
  • If you are doing less than 20T per month of steel fabrication, then the most cost effective way to drill beams is with a mag drill. Portable punching units can be effective for lighter beams with thinner wall thicknesses. If you are looking to increase your beam fabrication, then you are definitely the ideal user of the Ocean Avenger Beam Line!

Here are some of the more commonly asked questions

How much computer knowledge does the operator need to run this machine?

The Avenger is very simple to operate and most of our Avenger operators were the men doing layout on the floor. No prior computer knowledge is necessary, and full training is provided at the time of the installation

How difficult is it to program the machine?

Programming of the Avenger is very simple even when done manually. The machine programing software is Peddimat and most operators can learn how to program most parts in less than an hour. Of course practice makes perfect. However the best way to program the machine is to import parts directly from a CAD drawing preferably done in some 3-D modeling software such as Tekla Structures, SDS/2, ProSteel 3D, StruMis etc. These files import directly into the machine and the operator merely selects the part to be processed and hits the Cycle Start button.

How much training is included with the installation of the Ocean Avenger?

At the time of machine installation our factory trained service tech will spend approximately 8 days on site, installing your machine, calibrating it and training your operators. This will provide more than enough hands on operation, as well as maintenance, troubleshooting and diagnostic training.

Can this machine be installed outside?

Yes. We have many Avenger drill line installations outside. However suitable weather protection must be provided to the control panel and moving mobile platform. Please feel free to contact us to see photos from many of our outside installations.

What is the relationship between Peddinghaus and Ocean Machinery?

Peddinghaus builds machines specifically for Ocean Machinery to meet our demanding specifications. Ocean Machinery specifically targets the small to medium fabricator whereas Peddinghaus targets the larger fabricators. Peddinghaus has been building machines for Ocean Machinery for more than 10 years, and Ocean Machinery is Peddinghaus largest customer worldwide.

If the machine breaks where do I get service?

The Ocean Avenger is built exclusively for Ocean Machinery by Peddinghaus. Peddinghaus handles the installation, warranty and service work on the Ocean Avenger. And while Peddinghaus is the service provider, Ocean Machinery is always there to get involved should the need arise. Please see the SUPPORT tab for more answers relating to service.

What is the maintenance cost on this CNC beam drill line?

The Avenger is a 100% hydraulic machine making maintenance and parts exceptionally affordable. The Ocean Avenger was designed specifically to be used throughout the world and thus uses only components from major manufacturers, most of which can be sourced in the local market. Peddinghaus keeps all parts on hand for next day delivery in the USA. In most of our overseas countries we offer local service and support.

What specific training is provided for this with the machine?

When the Peddinghaus service technician has finished installing and calibrating your machine he will spend time with your operators taking them through our simple yet thorough training program. Your operators will receive training in:

  • machine setup and adjustment
  • machine maintenance and lubrication
  • fault finding and troubleshooting
  • programming of parts using Peddimat
  • importing of parts using Peddimat
  • how to change our punches and dies
  • how to sharpen your drill bits

If my machine operator leaves my employment, how do I get more training?

Peddinghaus offers regular training courses on all Peddinghaus and Ocean equipment at their facility in Bradley Illinois. These courses are suitable for new operators and for refreshing existing operators. Employees that pass through this facility return to your shop highly trained, motivated and eager to improve your productivity. Please call for details and pricing.



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  • Ocean Avenger Drills and Marks Stair Stringer
  • Ocean Avenger Laying Out Stair Stringer
  • Ocean Avenger Drills and Marks 12x12x1 Base Plate in Under 2 Minutes
  • Ocean Avenger CNC Drill Line – Highlight reel
  • Ocean Avenger FULL Video – 2016
  • Ocean Avenger Drills 10 13/16″ Holes in W18x35 in 75 Seconds
  • Celebrating the Sale of the 500th Avenger
  • How to Sharpen Ocean Penetrator Drill Bits – Tutorial
  • Ocean Avenger FULL Video – Spanish
Maximum Beam Size Avenger FORTY accept profiles up to 40″ (1000mm) Avenger thirty accepts profiles up to 30″ (760mm). Max beam profile length 60ft (18.3m). Max profile weight 730 lbs/ft (1088kg/m)
Minimum Drill Diameter 1/4″ (6.5mm)
Maximum Drill Diameter 2″ (50mm)
Maximum Material Thickness Up to 10″ (250mm)
Max Speed X Axis 120 ft per minute
Max Speed Y Axis 120 ft per minute
Spindle Motor Power 13 3/4 hp
Drilling Speeds 0-545 rpm (continuously variable)
Drilling Feed Rate 2” – 10” per min (50-254mm) infinitely variable
Spindle Stroke 13″ (330mm) Max.
Total Power 20 HP (14.9 kW)
Power Supply 208 to 575V, 3-ph, 60 Hz (50Hz available)
Average Output 200 to 400 holes per hour depending on the profile drilled
Manufacturer Peddinghaus Corporation, USA
User Feedback+

“.. In an effort to meet customer demands and increase production, we have installed a new beam drill line (Ocean Avenger), new saw (Ocean Terminator) and currently have on order your sand blast booth (Ocean Blaster). These processes not only speed up production; the resulting reduced labor cost and quicker turnaround times have consistently helped us in landing quality jobs.

I truly believe that without the support provided by the staff and personnel at Ocean Machinery we would not be performing in the steel fabrication markets that we now enviably find ourselves competing in..”

Ray Assmar – Pilot Steel – Owensboro, KY

“..since purchasing our Ocean Avenger about four months ago, we have drilled approximately 25,000 holes. It used to take us approximately 5 minutes to lay out and drill each hole. Now it takes us approx. 30 seconds per hole … a savings of 1875 man hours in 4 months. In our shop that equals about $84,375! As you can see this machine will pay for itself in less than one year. Not only is it speeding up our production, it is freeing up floor space for additional jobs..”

Charlie Mueller – SteelFab – Jackson, TN

“.. Although this machine is marketed for the Structural fabricators, I knew immediately it would work well for drilling truck frames. The accuracy & repeatability have ensured the assembly without error. The Avenger drills a set of channels for one truck in less than one 2 hours; when we did this manually, it would take 16 hours. This machine has increased our productivity & profitability hands down!..”

Mike Green – Engine And Accessories – Miami, FL

“..We purchased our first piece of CNC automated equipment from Ocean Machinery in 2002, an automated drill line, and the service and support during and after the sales process was top notch. When the Italian manufacturer was having trouble supporting our machine, Ocean Machinery stepped in to make sure we were up and running as quickly as possible.

So when it came time to add an additional drill line to our facility in 2007, we made sure Ocean Machinery was our first, and only, call. Their input during and after the sales process, combined with the superior knowledge of their support staff and the relationship their firm has with key manufacturers meant that we were up and running in no time and any problems that we have experienced were handled in a timely fashion. Ocean Machinery is a great partner to have on your side..”

Charlie Pfeil and Matt Tucker – Affton Fabricating – Sauget, IL

“..We were the first to get the Ocean Avenger in South Africa, and it completely changed our process. We had a few large jobs waiting and the Avenger paid for itself on those first three jobs. We have tripled our monthly tonnage and at the same time we have been able to lower our total labor headcount.

The versatility of the Avenger is amazing. We have done everything from simple steel structures, to high rise buildings, to countersunk floor plates — in fact the entire paint and assembly floor of the new Volkswagen factory in Port Elizabeth was done with the Ocean Avenger. This machine does everything they said it would, and more!..”

Ginkel Venter – Uitenhage Super Steel – Port Elizabeth, South Africa


Programming the Ocean AVENGER CNC Beam line is very simple and intuitive even for operators with no CNC or computer experience.

We have installed more than a thousand CNC beam lines and angle lines throughout the world and we have found that the average operator, who has never before programmed a machine before, can become efficient on the machine in less than 1/2 day.

Ocean AVENGER CNC Beam Lines can be programmed in one of two ways:

1. At the machine, manually enter the profiles to be drilled.

2. Directly Import of the data to the CNC beam line directly from your CNC steel detailing files.



The Ocean AVENGER can be programmed manually at the machine or in the office using the supplied Peddimat software. This software comes included with the AVENGER and can be installed on as many PCs in your office as you choose — this unlimited license is included with the purchase of your machine. It is the same software that is found on the machine itself and is the same software used on the Ocean AVENGER and all Peddinghaus CNC fabricating machinery.

Peddimat is incredibly simple and intuitive, and takes less than an hour to learn, even if you have never worked on a computer in your life.

We always train your operator how to run the machine using Peddimat as you are often going to have the situation where a customer arrives with a couple of pieces of steel that need holes or layout marks and you want to be able to produce them quickly without bothering your detailing staff who might be busy on a larger job.



It is obviously preferable to import files directly from your steel detailing software because it eliminates an unnecessary step and also eliminates possible incorrect data capture. There are two separate and distinct camps in this respect:

1. 3-D Modeling Camp

Software that falls in this camp includes X-Steel, SDS/2, Tekla Structures, StruCAD, DetailCAD, BOCAD, SteelCAD, ProSteel 3-D etc. All these 3-D modeling programs export the DSTV file that is seamlessly imported into the AVENGER.

Your detailer will then supply you a DWG / PLT / PDF file that you will use to print or plot your drawings. He will also supply you with the NC or NC1 files that you will import directly into your machine. The DSTV-Import function is standard on the Ocean AVENGER.

2. AutoCAD Camp

AutoCAD is and architectural software and works well for exporting flat 2-D pieces to plate processing machines. Where it falls short is in its ability to export files for 3-D shapes like beams, channel, angles etc. AutoCAD exports both DWG files and DXF files which are perfect for plates.

The Ocean AVENGER can import DXF files and can use them to process 3-D shapes as long as the steel is detailed according to specific rules. Some of these rules might be different to the way you are detailing at the moment and might require some adjustment. This process is not nearly as seamless as the 3-D modeling software solutions above.

Once you have created a DXF IMPORT COMPLIANT AutoCAD file, you then import it via the DXF-Import Utility (optional purchase)


The Ocean Avenger CNC Drill Line is typically sold with the following options:

ocean flipper beam rotator and column positioner

Ocean Flipper – Beam Rotator

The Ocean Flipper Beam Rotator is a simple and unique material handling component, that was originally designed to fit within the material support tables of the Ocean Avenger and other single-spindle drill lines, or other types of steel processing equipment where turning and positioning of profiles is required.

The Flipper reduces the demand on the overhead cranes, leaving this valuable resource free to move other items while the Flipper rotates beams on the Avenger. >>MORE ABOUT THE FLIPPER

Ocean Rejuvenator Drill Grinder

drill grinder for structural steel drill bitsThe Ocean Rejuvenator Drill Grinder is the industry standard for sharpening twist drill bits. Ocean Machinery’s Penetrator twist drill bits have a standard length of 6″ (150mm) of fluted (working) length. When drilling typical 1/2″ (12mm) thickness, most drill bits will give in excess of 500 holes per sharpening, and when using the Ocean Rejuvenator to sharpen the drills, most customers achieve somewhere between 100 to 200 resharpenings. This means that a standard Penetrator can give you around 50,000 to 100,000 holes per drill

Drill Bits For Your Ocean Avenger

At Ocean Machinery we are committed to providing you as many options as possible with regard to drilling with your Ocean Avenger or any other CNC Beam Drill Line.

We stock a full range of drill bits and insert drills from several manufacturers, including

  • Ocean Penetrator Cobalt Drill Bits
  • Nachi Cobalt Twist Drill Bits
  • Allied Insert Drill Bits (spade drill bits)

If you are not sure whether to use Twist Drill bits or Insert Drill Bits on your Drill Line, please take a look at the comparison of Insert Drill Bits vs. Twist Drill Bits below.

Ocean Penetrator Cobalt Twist Drill Bits

cnc beam drill line for structural steel
The Ocean Penetrator Cobalt Drill Bits arrive from the factory pre-sharpened to 175 degrees with a split point. We stock 7/16″ thru 2″ diameter drills, and extended length drills are available 9/16″ thru 1-1/16″. They feature:

  • Cobalt Steel – longer life – in our testing we regularly drill well over 500 holes before resharpening was required. This tool life dramatically reduces costs.
  • Pre-sharpened to 175 degrees with raised tip – this is the ideal recommended tip for structural steel. No need for pre-sharpening.
  • It requires only a single-stage drill grinding procedure. This simplifies the resharpening and saves resharpening time
  • Should yield more than 50,000 holes per drill bit
  • Faster Drilling feed rates – The Ocean Penetrator works best at 7.1 in/min of feed rate – almost 20% faster than regular twist drill bits. This results in faster drilling times.
  • Chipbreaker point – eliminates long stringy chips that clog swarf bins and fly all over the shop.
  • Almost eliminates grinding on the exit of the hole with properly sharpened drills. The removal of this non value added task dramatically reduces fabrication costs
  • Direct access to sophisticated technical support. Ocean Machinery provides you with direct access to the manufacturers’ tech support hot-line.

Nachi Cobalt Twist Drill bits

cnc beam drill line for structural steel
Prior to the introduction of the Ocean Penetrators, the Nachi Cobalt twist drill was possibly the most well known drill bit on the market. This bit has proven itself in thousands of fabrication shops around the world, and features:

  • Supplied with 118 Degree drill point angle. This drill must be pre-sharpened to 175 degrees prior to first use.
  • Standard length drill bit has 6″ of flute length
  • Only available up to 1-1/2″ diameter
  • No Extended length drills available
  • Available in 1/32″ and 1/64″ incremental sizes (call Ocean for stock on hand)
  • Should provide around 300 and 500 holes between sharpenings
  • Should yield 30,000 holes per drill bit
  • No grinding required on the exit of the hole with properly sharpened drills – dramatically reduces costs

Allied Insert Bits (Spade Bits)

cnc beam drill line for structural steel
Insert Drill bits are also known as Spade Drill bits. Insert Drill Bits are well known to fabricators and offer the advantage of eliminating the need for a drill sharpening machine. They feature:

  • Throw away inserts (T/A) screw into special insert holders
  • Various drill point geometry and coatings are available
  • Metric sizes are available
  • Extended Lengths are available
  • Between 800 and 1,000 holes per disposable insert
  • No drill sharpening needed
  • Only available up 1-7/8″ diameter
  • Access to good local technical support
  • You will need to grind the exit of the hole as the insert drill bits are radiused at the tip – this leaves a significant burr that must be ground prior to bolting
  • Simple to change out inserts – Tips are priced individually but are sold in pairs

The Big debate – Insert Drill Bits Vs. Twist Drill Bits

We at Ocean Machinery are often asked by our customers what drill bits should they use – twist drill bits or insert bits? Our number one agenda is to ensure that our customers pursue the lowest cost per hole drilled, as this will make them more competitive and profitable. However it is important that they fully understand their options, Insert Drill Bit (Spade Drill Bit ) Advantages

Insert Drill Bits Twist Drill Bits
Savings – You avoid having to spend $10,000 on a drill grinder. Savings – You do not need to grind the exit of the hole – save on non value added activity.
Convenience – They always have a perfectly ground structural point. Savings – Twist drill bits cost less than 1/10th the cost of insert drill bits – see worked costing example below.
Convenience – Nobody has to learn the art of sharpening drill bits. Convenience – It only takes a couple of hours to train an operator to be able to sharpen drill bits.
Simplicity – They can just be discarded when dull and they are cheap to replace – around $40 every 800 – 1000 holes. Savings and Convenience – you can purchase twist drill bits from any vendor – you are not locked into a particular supplier.
Savings – No matter how badly you dull a drill point it can always be resharpened – in some cases you can also resharpen a broken drill bit
Cost – Insert Drill require holders for each drill size and you require at least two holders of each size. Inconvenience – You need to train an operator how to sharpen drills.
Cost – Insert bits definitely leave a burr on the exit of the hole, especially on lighter profiles and the fabricator must spend money on labor and consumables to grind the exit of the hole.
Cost – If an insert breaks, the tool holder will be damaged and will have to be replaced – replacing tool holders is expensive. Cost – you have to purchase a $10,000 drill grinder.
Cost – If the Torx head holding the insert is stripped you have to replace the tool holder – replacing tool holders is expensive.
Cost – see worked costing example below.


Costing – Twist Drill Bits Vs. Insert Drill Bits

Let’s compare Twist Drill Bits and Insert Drill bits in the real life fabrication situation. We will just look at one example – 13/16″ (22mm), which is typically the most commonly drilled hole diameter.

Lets First Look At The Cost Of Using Twist Drill Bits That Need To Be Resharpened

A. Twist Drill bits

  • 13/16″ (18mm) Twist drill bit is typically $188.00
  • Need to have a minimum of two drill bits of each size so we can change out and re-sharpen one drill bit while the other one is drilling
  • Operator gets 300-500 holes per sharpening – let’s use 400 to be conservative
  • Operator gets approximately 100-200 sharpening per drill bit – let’s use 150 to be conservative
  • Therefore – 400 x 150 = 60,000 holes per drill bit
  • Two drill bits = 2 x $188 = $376 – provides 120,000 holes

A. Cost to drill 120,000 holes is $376 consumable cost, plus the $10,000 capital of the sharpener which gets amortized over the life of the machine – There are many Ocean Rejuvenators grinders in fabrication shops that are in excess of 10 years old that have repaid their owners many times over.

Now Lets Look At The Cost Of Using Insert Drill Bits

B. Insert Drill Bits

  • 13/16″ holder is typically $198.00
  • 13/16″ T/A drill insert is typically $36.00
  • Need to have a minimum of two holders of each size so we can change out the inserts while we are drilling with the other holder
  • Operator gets 800 – 1,000 holes per insert – let’s use 800 to be conservative
  • Therefore we require 2 holders ($396) and 150 inserts ($5,400) to drill 120,000 holes

B. Cost to drill 120,000 holes is $396 + $5,400 = $5,796 (consumable cost)


The consumable cost is 15 TIMES more expensive using insert drill bits

  • The above example is true for all drill sizes, but the cost differential increases with the size of the drill bit.
  • This also does not take into account any replacement holders that need to be ordered when the holder is damaged when an insert breaks while drilling
  • The holder is no longer usable when the insert screws strip off or seize
  • And it does not take into account the cost of grinding the exit of the hole.
  • All of the above situations do occur in real life. Also note that as the drill diameter increases the cost of the holders can go up to as much as $800 each.
  • It doesn’t take too much math to realize that in significantly less than one year you will have completely paid off the drill grinder from your savings in consumable costs and you will be well on your way to becoming a low cost producer.

So What Drill Bit Does Ocean Machinery Recommend For Beam Lines?

We believe that for now, based on current pricing from the various suppliers, the customer is better off with good quality Ocean Penetrator twist drill bits and a good quality sharpener.

Of course, training an operator to sharpen drill bits properly is important, and we do a thorough job during the installation of the Avenger. We have trained hundreds of operators who totally get it and are able to resharpen bits in less than a couple of minutes.

* Pricing comparison during Summer of 2014, drill and inserts prices are subject to change without notice. Consult Ocean Machinery for current pricing information. *

Morse Taper Reducers

The Ocean Avenger is supplied with a full set of three Morse taper reducers 1 x Mt4-MT3, 1 x MT4-MT2, and 1 x MT3-MT2. However it is advised to have additional reducers on hand to make tool changes faster and more productive

Positioning Magnets

cnc beam drill line for structural steel
Ocean offers two sizes of positioning magnets to assist with drilling base plates and flat bar. Magnets are available in 8×8″ (200x200mm) and 4×4″ (100x100mm)

Magnetic Brush And Broom

Ocean Machinery’s magnetic brush and broom help with the removal of chips from the machine and for sweeping up chips from the floor


These drop-in serrated grippers help to secure base plates, flat bar, angle and other profiles that might have rounded edges that want to push away from the datum line

Jacobs Chuck Adaptor

cnc beam drill line for structural steel
This Morse Taper chuck adaptor allows you to use standard parallel shank drill bits when drilling smaller diameters. It allows a maximum drill diameter of ?” (12mm) and a minimum diameter of 3/64″ (1mm)

Unist Coolant

Over the past decade the UNIST MQL lubricant system has become the dominant coolant system in the USA, and has become standard equipment on the Aveger FORTY, Avenger PLUS and Clipper. This minimum quantity lubricant is an oil based coolant that promotes longer tool life. It is non toxic.


cnc beam drill line for structural steel The Ocean Avenger is built exclusively for Ocean Machinery by Peddinghaus. Peddinghaus handles the installation, warranty and service work on the Ocean Avenger. And while Peddinghaus is the service provider, Ocean Machinery is always there to get involved should the need arise.

Peddinghaus’s commitment to service and support is legendary and is the gold standard in the industry. Peddinghaus offers a global team of customer support representatives that are always available at the Peddinghaus 24 hour customer support center. Through state-of-the-art remote diagnostic software, readily available local field support, and the industry leading warranty, support from Peddinghaus is only a call or a click away.

24 Hour Support

To service our global clientele, Peddinghaus proudly provides our partners with 24 hour technical support. Peddinghaus’ inside service staff have years of experience in the field, assembly, or factory checkout which provides them with hands-on experience with most machines. At Peddinghaus their service staff is not only available when you need them, but they maintain superior knowledge to solve questions as they arise.

Powerful Field Service Staff

Although 90% of support issues can be resolved by Peddinghaus’ 24 Hour Tech Support center, an expansive network of 50+ Peddinghaus field service personnel are stationed throughout North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Australia/New Zealand.

Remote Diagnostics

Peddinghaus inside service technicians often don’t need to be at your machine to solve a problem you may have. A common internet connection is all that is needed for the Peddinghaus technician to operate your control as if he was standing with you at the machine. The Powerful Windows® based Siemens control used on Peddinghaus equipment allows for this capability, and provides superior diagnostics via Windows® based platform.

Web Camera Troubleshooting

Not every problem can be diagnosed with remote assistance. Mechanical issues or questions that require the human eye are still common. Peddinghaus machines are shipped with high definition web cameras and software; allowing Peddinghaus employees to directly experience the activity at the installation without the need to leave the office. The webcam has significant value in foreign countries or in situations where language might be a barrier to effectively communicate the issue.


The Peddinghaus Technical Support Office is open from 7am to 7pm Central Time, and is always ready to answer your questions, no matter how simple or complicated. The office hours for Ocean Machinery are 8am to 5pm Eastern Time, and we are intimately familiar with all aspects of the machine and we welcome your technical support calls
Call Peddinghaus Technical Service at (815) 937-3800Toll Free (800) 786-2448 Call Ocean Machinery Technical Service at (800) 286-3624

© Copyright 2025, Ocean Machinery Inc.